If you don’t recognize a transaction on your card and think your card has been used without your permission, the first thing you should do is freeze your card before contacting us.
You can freeze your card by:
Select the Card option on your main app screen and Click on your active physical card
Click the Freeze card button and transactions will be immediately disabled on your card.
If you don’t have access to the mobile app, don’t worry! You can freeze your card by contacting us on 07000007242 OR WhatsApp 08099227242
Here’s a list of additional checks you need to do before reaching out to our customer support team:
Check the details of the payment: sometimes the merchant name shown in your card activity may be slightly different from the actual merchant you bought from. So it’s important to check the merchant name, location (if available), and date or time of the payment
Check if the payment is related to a subscription: If you’ve signed up for any card subscription, a free trial period, or recurring card payment, contact the merchant to find out about these charges or to cancel your subscription to avoid any more changes.
Check if your card has been with you: If any of your friends or family members happen to have access to your card details, speak with them to see if they’ve made a payment
If you still don’t recognize the payment, get in touch with us at cardservice@paga.com and we’ll be happy to help you file a dispute to get your money back.